One quality that separates educated people from the uneducated is the degree of tolerance they apply in judging things. The same quality sometimes puts them in disadvantage when they deem it fit to be professionals when in fact they are required to be humans. Checking impulses from committing serious errors, they try to avoid meddling with less or un-productive issues. If alternatives abound, critical involvement becomes secondary to them.

This is the reason why KU teachers and staffs have chosen not to show themselves to and see the agitating locals of Bakhundol. When the locals blocked the road to Araniko Highway, burnt tires at the main gate, threatened passers-by with action and passed a notorious order to vacate the residences; KUians took help of local administration. They worked with the logic that as KU is a national establishment, the state has primary responsibility to protect it from damages of any sorts. The agitation seemed to take a destructive turn after KU literally ceased functioning in Dhulikhel. The agitators turned desperate when they knew that KU would rather go for alternatives than succumb to their demands. Then followed the creation and publicity of various myths. One was that water and electricity were cut off. That eighty five or more of KU staffs had vacated the quarters out of fear was the other.

KU even did not defy these myths. Doing this would only highlight the myth-makers. There were bigger things to think over.

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By hkafle

I am a University teacher, with passion for literature and music.

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