Despite series of negotiations, there are chances of chaos at the KU gate again. The talks between KU and the locals have reached a deadlock and partially failed in that KU has not  fulfilled one of their demands, which is to convert this academia into a recruitment center for sturdy bouncers.

It is admission time and the chaos gives grounds for certain speculations. First, someone must be mudslinging at KU so that the number of students declines. This will ultimately give way to a discourse that the present management has ceased functioning tactfully. This further strengthens the logic of dissenters — the already grumbling staffs and students. Second, someone wants to divert the attention of prospective students towards other mushrooming institutes.  This is to say, the chaos comes in a series of foul games played continuously from the past. As the cases of last four years tell, KU has faced disturbances during examinations and admission times only. Can’t it be the deed of an organized group trying to defame the University to the benefit of the crawling institutions?

Third, the chaos adds to the common contagion of ‘transitional times’, when people have misinterpreted freedom for claiming less-than-practical privileges. The villagers in this sense have strictly local causes than any manipulation from outside. However, this speculation lacks warrants.

People around have either revelled or marvelled at the fact that only a handful of ‘undermatrics’ have shaken a university.  Some insiders would judge the crisis to be a consequence as much of ‘transitions’ outside as of inside.  New session has begun with the traffic of students seeking admissions. Majority teachers  anticipate a successful new year despite the goings-on beyond the gates.

I would only wait to see  if my observation  about the coming times is true: “New session is at the threshold, but old mentality is ahead of it!’

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By hkafle

I am a University teacher, with passion for literature and music.

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