Ramblings of a Hemanist
I am Hem Raj, a humanist. This is my way of introducing myself – my first name and a phrase that describes me in relation to teaching, my profession. A…
by Hem Raj Kafle
I am Hem Raj, a humanist. This is my way of introducing myself – my first name and a phrase that describes me in relation to teaching, my profession. A…
I have always found it very difficult to regard a single person as ‘My Mentor.’ It is plainly so because a good number of people have helped shape my life’s…
Father was taught English by a teacher who was educated at a British school in Darjeeling. He had this rare ‘asset’, English, for his time and circle. I owe my…
I failed in grade one. It was in 2035-2036 BS. I failed without understanding what it meant to fail or pass. The failure itself was so ephemeral and so vulnerable…
A tall, sturdy fellow in oddly fitting school uniform enters my office and asks for audience. He says, “If you don’t mind, Mr. Kafle, may I ask you a favor?”…
Things happen. People show their attitudes and change demeanors. I experience fluctuations in my view of the world. The phenomena appear static though, theoretically, they are in flux. Isn’t this…
It’s not the day Some days are just ordinary, like this particular day. But they do not fail to give varied experiences. Every new day demands a thorough reading of…
This rambling fulfills a promise though fairly late. I had told the BBIS 2020 batch at the close of their Fall 2021 semester that I would scribble my own while…
I venture to present a perspective on ‘crisis in the humanities’ from a location that may be considered ‘alternative’. I belong to an academic space that enjoys a fairly little…
I cast votes without being persuaded to. I vote even when no party or party cadre asks votes from me. Participating in an election is one of the many things…
एउटा विधाको साँघुरो घेराभित्र रहेर अध्ययन अघि बढाउने क्रममा म दुनियाँमा विकसित अरू धेरै ज्ञानका श्रोतहरूबाट वञ्चित भएको छु। इतिहास, राजनीतिशास्त्र, मनोविज्ञान, तर्कशास्त्र, दर्शनशास्त्र, समाजशास्त्र, मानवशास्त्रजस्ता गहन क्षेत्रहरूभित्रको ज्ञानभण्डारबाट कहिले…