We worked because we wanted to. We worked and it happened — KU’s fifteenth convocation, a big event getting bigger each year.

Work for it began about a week ago. I mean my part. And, the part initially included an English-man’s chores — chopping and chiseling English wherever it got shaky. Then it included attending a dozen or so local journalists in a press conference (On 21 Oct.), which contained a sermon and a feast from ‘our’ side, and from their sides nodes,  smiles  and camera flashes. Third, I was helping embellish the speeches of two lady ‘masters of ceremony’ till 10:30 pm of 22 Oct, which was after a hectic day — Geomatics class, CE class, Madhurya-meeting, VC’s article, CE class, lunch, VC’s article; appointment with Julian Zix, Prof. PRA, VC and two policemen  ( I had nothing to do with the law; it was only an admission case); and shopping at Banepa.

I know, only a handful of teachers have offices during the late post meridian. For others, a convocation is a holiday.  This is why a local weekly could claim last year that teachers boycotted the program as if we post-meridian trouble-takers were not teachers here. This year someone was complaining:  KU had tricked by putting convocation on Friday to deprive its dedicated inmates of the following day that would come as a holiday.

Well, the blotches notwithstanding, the big event was really big. A few points to note for the next event: you are not to blame if people with good intention break few of your barriers during their one-day outing to this beautiful campus; scholars can also become a crowd but you cannot help;  give what they deserve and expect only that they take it. What is the message of the crowd nonetheless? It is that KU is a big place in its merits though the merits are beyond some people’s understanding.

Some worthy tidbits from the day — our Dean’s smile, Hemanta’s happiness and gratitude, a meaningful talk with Mr. Kunda Dixit, Interviewing Hasko for Indrawati Weekly, chance meeting with Dr. Kishor Shrestha and his promise to resume collaboration, snaps with graduates, Prof. Tuladhar’s offer to let me translate Madhav Kumar Nepal’s speech.

The event was a circuit-breaker though the frustration of having several things pending was seeking outlets. I was happy for being a part of the efforts to make it happen. The real satisfaction came from overhearing “I wish I had been able to study in this university” ; “I had never realized that KU had such merits” ; “Can they establish similar university in the far-west?”; “Even the prime minister had a smooth day unlike in Purvanchal and Tribhuvan Universities.”

The last thought: I want to wear a gown of KU after three years.

By hkafle

I am a professor of English Studies. I have passion for literature and music.

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