The following are some of the lines I have loved as my best creations.


A bit of sensibility from the phone owners, yes, only the readiness to keep the phones silent or switched off for a while would help the good moment pass better. So, the fact is:  it only takes us to realize that a new technology not only poses on us the question of keeping up with it, but of doing it decently. [Cellphone and Sensibility]


Whether it is the people demanding the nation’s complete restructuring, or those seeking greater representation on the ground of region, race and ethnicity, or those demanding assurance and security of jobs, all have blocked, burnt and blood-smeared the highways in the course of making their causes strident. With this, Nepal has stepped into one of the very chaotic times. If we believe in the existence of a silver lining, there may be creativity in the chaos, especially because it helps make genuine causes audible, and forces changes. There is only one way to optimism: we are naturally no lovers of a downfall, and all that we are doing is for transformation!                                                      [Highway Politics]


This time national sentiment was tricky. It led to spontaneous prioritization of Prashant’s idolization despite other more serious issues to deal with in the country. While a chunk of Nepali population was raining SMS money for this chosen Indian Idol contestant, Kpilvastu was burning. Funds were raised in lakhs and spent through Indian cell phones while hundreds of homeless people were searching their homes in rubbles and our poor government was offering to distribute relief in a few thousands. But, again, cheers to the talent hunt that it awakened nationalism in us and gave us our Idol. It proved that our youths have the power to mobilize and be mobilized for good. No point to grumble about it.       [Idols and Ironies]


The main problem today is that we take politicians for either novices or betrayers, unmindful of their collective potentials for optimistic reformations. Recent history clarifies their capacity to bring forth exemplary changes. So, even when the majority of wise people live in skepticism and distrust for the leading political parties, the time still entrusts the parties with greater responsibilities. Let us allow our politicians to work their best and act ourselves as responsible watchdogs. It does not so much matter not to add a few to many privileges we enjoy. But it does matter not to allow even a speck of privilege many of our fellow citizens have so far been deprived of. Now is rather a time to reflect on these questions:  How many of the senior intellectuals are worried about the growing trend of brain drain because the society and institutions they lead are not able to attract and satisfy the aspiring young people of the country? How many aspiring youths are prepared to take any of the seniors as role models for tomorrow? What if the growing generation of intellectuals stop putting faith on their predecessors? [Reflections on Intellectuals]


The Lok-tantriks act in functional similarity with the traditional tantriks. They identify themselves with their ideological deities. They perform rituals to generate and sustain political fandom. The fans live in illusion of ideological fullness. The fullness is at times kindled into the frenzy of breaches and blockades. And the general public, the most docile of the human race, keep shrugging it off as the fruit of the April Revolution yawning unawares in wait of a time when time will right all the wrongs. The Lok-tantriks are everywhere. They may bear a brand membership recently bestowed by a ‘Loktantrik’ party though they hardly have any time for the perusal of the party constitution and manifestos, or for roots and evolution of the party’s ideology itself. There is this magic of having a brand name that has offered overnight aggrandizement. There is activism that heads towards an opportunity – an immediate compensation for the ideological penury. The necessity of indoctrination is a far cry. And, if not your windows, Mr. X’s doors are always open for them.          [Nepali Loktantrism]


Opportunists usually fail to address the need of the mass. Then general frustration takes roots and question of misrepresentation becomes crucial.  People wait to punish such rulers. This is one of the causes of the poor show of UML and NC in the recent elections. But the elections have a message to both victors and losers. May the victors retain both cadres and voters. May the losers preserve their cadres and retrieve the voters. If politics is a game, as the common cliché puts it, every player ought to know that it neither has consistent rules nor definite consequences. Voters are inconsistent when politics of transition continues. Victory depends.  [Contamination Syndrome]


At times, while I am fixing details in a readymade letter-template, a colleague makes a frivolous remark, “Who is going to remain here as a future generation scientist, doctor, leader, teacher etc. etc.?”  Another colleague says, “You and I, my dear”, with a book of GRE at hand and a hazy smile. Among adults the preparation for the escape is an arduous, secretive affair.  For the younger ones, it is an open, confident and carefree adventure. The better-half of the man with GRE Book asks my better-half, “Isn’t ‘Sir’ trying for abroad?” My better-half asks me the same question with a ‘Why’ at the beginning. It happens very often but I have not fathomed the answer to this particular ‘Why’ because, as I said, I stopped putting this question to others long ago. My wife’s uncle’s son-in-law is in the USA. My wife’s brother in law is in Australia. My friend is in UK. Many familiar faces are cramming difficult words behind their sleepy faces at the approach of a GRE/TOEFL date. My near and dear ones are sick of my indifference to their repeated ‘Whys.’ I have so far proved that I am not one of those best minds. [Endorsing the Escapes: How Long?]



By hkafle

I am a professor of English Studies. I have passion for literature and music.

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