Mr. Chairman,
Dignitaries in the dais, dignitaries in the audience.

I am one of those viruses Awashthi sir mentioned – the Kathmandu University virus, living about 40 kilometers away from this venue.

I have come here mainly to do two things – give credits and express commitments.

I think NELTA has an important role in what I have become today. I attended a NELTA conference in this same venue for the first time in 1998. The professional sharing with teachers from around the country gave me new zeal in the field of teaching English. I have tried to attend the succeeding conferences ever since, and each new participation has given me new strength, new motivation. This is where my first credit to NELTA goes.

Second, in 2008, I got an opportunity to attend a summer program in the USA because NELTA considered me credible for it. In fact, I was Sajan ji’s predecessor. Looking at his contributions, I feel I have a lot to do from my side. I know I could help with the skills I learned in USA; I should have started last year itself. However, it could never be late. So, I came to this conference with a subject that merged my digital skills with traditional knowledge (application of rhetoric in blogging). Some of my colleagues here attended it. I am particularly happy because my presentation preceded the webinar on networking. I think my work was timely.

Now, the commitment. Because I can be online most of the times in Kathmandu University, I can and want to become a partner to the networking that our friends have initiated. [This now comes in response to What is this blog about?]

Finally, let me also take the opportunity to convey the best wishes of two of NELTA’s well-wishers from India. Of course, it should have been done earlier. But I think good words are timeless. Dr. Atanu Bhattacharya and Dr. Dharmendra Seth, whom I met last month in the International conference in Gujarat organized by H. M. Patel Institute and ELT@ I, had wished this conference a success.

Thank you very much.

[Click this link to listen the speech]

By hkafle

I am a professor of English Studies. I have passion for literature and music.

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