I saw you and walked away leaving my eyes there

The path had gone silent

The moon had set

Someone was walking slowly along

I saw you and walked away leaving my steps there…

I could not call you though I wanted to

Nor would the heart let me forget

Invoking an earthquake in a lonely night

I saw you and walked away leaving my heart there…

These lines would not read as good in English translation as would they sound in the original Nepali by Udit Narayan.  What follows is a podcast with my voice for the lines. The song is one of my favourites, one that I have recently learned and sung several times, but never felt less thrilled. It is inexplicable to me why the song appeals so much.  It may be the near-metaphysical imagery it contains.

My voice may not do enough justice to the lyric. I have only tried to give some sense to what it means to me. The words speak much more; the music is beyond telling.

[gigya width=”393″ height=”85″ src=”http://hrk.podomatic.com/swf/joeplayer_v11.swf” quality=”high” flashvars=”jsonLocation=http%3A%2F%2Fhrk.podomatic.com%2Fentry%2Fembed_params%2F2010-12-30T07_12_51-08_00%3FautoPlay%3Dfalse%26facebook%3Dtrue%26height%3D85%26width%3D393″ wmode=”transparent” menu=”false” allowfullscreen=”true” ]

By hkafle

I am a professor of English Studies. I have passion for literature and music.

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