Life in Fingers
Some time ago Father and I got stuck around B & B Hospital, Lalitpur, waiting from 8 am till 2 pm for a follow-up appointment with a neurologist. What would…
by Hem Raj Kafle
Some time ago Father and I got stuck around B & B Hospital, Lalitpur, waiting from 8 am till 2 pm for a follow-up appointment with a neurologist. What would…
दुईहजार सन्ताउन्न साल साउनको कुरा — “हाउ मालदाइ, केयुमा भ्याकेन्सी खुल्या’ छ है। राम्रो संस्था भन्छन्, कि ट्राइ मार्ने हो”? हातको पत्रिका देखाउँदै मेरो भूतपूर्व रूमपार्टनरले सुनायो। रजिष्ट्रारको नाममा जारी…
Yet another ritual assignment of asking kids to ask me questions. And they have returned me a good load of assignment. This semester I might have responded and still wait…
Writing is an art. Readers experience the artistry. No writer is fully satisfied because s/he knows something was missed. Sometimes interesting ideas click when the work has gone out of…
जेठको अन्तिम दिन। शहरको होहल्लाबाट टाढा, गाउँको पुछार, धुलिखेलको बाँसघारी पुग्नु अगावै आउने घुम्तीमाथिको सानो जंगल, अलिकति खुटकिला चढेपछि भेटिने गाउँ पुछारको नीलकण्ठेश्वर मन्दिर, मन्दिरको छेउमा प्रकाशन गृह, नजिकै पाल…
Passion and Obsession Passion is a natural instinct for something, which generally stays permanent. For instance, your love for music, art, flowers, traveling or entertainment does not die. Obsession is…
रातिको यात्रा कहिलेकाहीँ फाइदाजनक नै हुन्छ। मुख्य कुरा यात्रामा दिन जाँदैन। यात्रा अघि तयारीको र यात्रा पछि थकानको निहुँबाहेक दिनभर काम गर्न सकिन्छ। यही एक कारण म प्राय: रातिको यात्रा…
सत्र वर्ष भयो यो भ्याण्डोल र बखुण्डोल बिचको डाँडामा वर्तमान र भविष्य बाँचेको। भूतकाल सम्झिनु पर्दा लाग्छ, हिजोमात्र यो ठाउँमा पाइला टेकेको हुँ। हिजोमात्र बनेपाको गान्धीभवनको आवासघरबाट सुलसुलेबाट भाग्दै केन्द्रीय…
I have continuously asked students to email me questions and tried to answer most of them when there is time. The questions are supposed to be wise and probing no…
27 June 2008 I am at Louis Tavern Dayrooms, Bangkok, along my first international trip. The US Embassy has gracefully booked a hotel room for me to spend a night.…
August 11, 2000 (2057-04-27) “A tiring journey to Kathmandu University along with Prem – to apply for the post of a teaching assistant. Useless it was! They want one to…