The Moment for Soul-Searching: An Acceptance Speech
July-August 2000. A fresh MA graduate staying in Kirtipur saw a vacancy announcement for a Teaching Assistant position in Kathmandu University. Intrigued by the prospect, he traveled up to the…
by Hem Raj Kafle
July-August 2000. A fresh MA graduate staying in Kirtipur saw a vacancy announcement for a Teaching Assistant position in Kathmandu University. Intrigued by the prospect, he traveled up to the…
My Dear Would-be Student: I know you exist somewhere. You just completed your secondary education. You are willing to join a university. You are perhaps thinking of a university never…
What inspired you to name your blog Rhetorical Montage? The terms “rhetorical” and “montage” are my keys. I specialize in rhetorical communication. What I post on my blog, I believe,…
प्रिय जनप्रतिनिधि मित्र, उहिले गाउँमा सँगसँगै हुर्किँदा तँ-तँ को साइनो भएको कारण अहिले अधबैँसे हुँदा कम्तीमा ‘तिमी’ भनेर सम्बोधन गर्ने हक मिल्छ होला । यही सानो अनौपचारिकताका साथ कुराको पोको…
आदरणीय हेडसर, आफू विद्यालय पढ्दा ‘श्रीमान् प्रधानाध्यापकज्यू’ भनेर तपाईँको जस्तो कुर्सीमा बस्ने व्यक्तिलाई सम्बोधन गरेको मलाई सम्झना छ । विद्यालय छोडेपछि भने मेरो व्यवसायिक संगत नै बढी प्रिन्सिपल, भाइस प्रिन्सिपल,…
सामान्यतया: कसैको बारेमा लेख्दा वा बोल्दा आफूले राम्रोसँग चिनिसकेको मानिस नै छानिन्छ । मचाहिँ अलिकति अलग परिस्थितिमा छु । म यहाँ आफूले गहिरो संगत गरेर चिनेको भन्दा मलाई चिन्न र…
प्यारो छोरा, म अहिले धुलिखेलस्थित काठमाडौँ बिश्वविद्यालयको एउटा कोठामा बसेर यो पत्र लेख्दैछु। तिमी अर्को कोठामा आफ्नै धुनमा छौ। म आफू तिमीजत्रो हुँदा र उच्चशिक्षाका लागि विश्वविद्यालय प्रवेश गर्न लाग्ने…
The less effective one’s schooling, the more limited one’s sense of disciplines can become. The more effective the schooling, the more specific the understanding of disciplines becomes. Both cases entail…
Very simple riddles. Try not to solve these. I myself do not. Things live so far as I live. I believed this when I was a child, or was just…
A poem does not necessarily make an appeal to everyone. My task as a teacher is to make students understand a poem in the simplest way possible. But, I face…
By destiny or design, I started as a ‘nursery teacher’ in 1994 following a fairly detached effort to be trained in ‘electronics’ (radio and television). Now as an Associate Professor…