If You Have a History …
If you have a history, write it; or be prepared to forfeit it to someone who is most willing to erase your name. This conviction inspires the following account. And…
by Hem Raj Kafle
If you have a history, write it; or be prepared to forfeit it to someone who is most willing to erase your name. This conviction inspires the following account. And…
I unearthed the following email conversations with Undergraduate students while exploring what was there in the archive. These are purely content-based questions and answers. Crafted with clear sense of the…
During the early days of teaching one gets to come across diversity of odd but exciting moments. In a public school, the challenge comes from below, from the students. Not…
. . . So, perhaps the biggest realization one would get after PhD is of being scrutinized in terms of performance and potentials. This is good. Majority of the PhDs…
प्रिय रघुजी, मलाई बेलाबेला यस्तो लाग्छ, मौका पर्छ र सम्भव हुन्छ भने सयौं मानिसले गरिरहने कामभन्दा अलग काम गर्न सकियोस्, अलग सोच्न सकियोस्, अलग लेख्न सकियोस्। तर अलग हुने रटान…
प्रिय रघुजी, फिनिक्स चराको जस्तो जिन्दगी भइसक्यो। तपाईँले भनेझैँ “लकडाउन गुरूकुल” मा बिलिन भएका कारण सान्सारिक रंगहरूसँगको सहवास टुट्यो। दिमागमा लेख्न लायक केही फुरेन। जब अलि-अलि विचारको हलचल भएको अनुभूति…
Some of our undergraduates show remarkable philosophical leaning when they are allowed to discuss life. The discussion sometimes involves such meaningful questions, directed to the teacher like me: “When do…
प्रिय रघुजी, तपाईँले सम्पूर्ण देशवासीका नाममा जारी गर्नु भएको पत्रमा म पनि समेटिएको महसुस गरेर जवाफ होइन तपाईँको पत्रको पूरकको रूपमा यो पत्र पठाएको छु। अरू बेला पनि तपाईँ लगायत…
I sing at times. I do it as a passion, as a part of my being who I am born to become. Those who have heard me sing ask me…
In teaching spontaneity has a greater power than planned outpourings though planning is fundamental to traditional theories of teaching. Spontaneity brings out original thoughts. It corresponds with the need of…
July-August 2000. A fresh MA graduate staying in Kirtipur saw a vacancy announcement for a Teaching Assistant position in Kathmandu University. Intrigued by the prospect, he traveled up to the…